Workplace Consulting

Welcome! We co-create high-performing teams and organizations via workplace consulting.

What is Workplace Consulting?

In a nutshell, workplace consulting is all about making your organization run smoother, happier, and more efficiently. It’s a holistic approach that looks at everything from leadership and team dynamics to processes and culture.

Why Should You Care?

Because work doesn’t have to suck. Seriously. Imagine a place where teams work well together, processes are streamlined, and everyone feels aligned and motivated. That’s what we aim to co-create with workplace consulting.

How Do We Do It?

We use a variety of strategies and methods to tackle your unique challenges, including:

  • Organizational Development: Enhancing the overall structure and processes within an organization.

  • Change Management: Helping organizations manage transitions and transformations smoothly.

  • Process Improvement: Streamlining operations to increase efficiency and productivity.

  • Human Resources Consulting: Addressing issues related to employee engagement, recruitment, retention, and performance management.

  • Leadership Development: Developing the skills of leaders and managers, focusing on self-organization collaborative organization.

  • Cultural Transformation: Shaping and shifting the organizational culture to align with business goals and values. (Though let’s get real: organizational culture is often what creates business goals and values)

Real Talk: How is This Different from Executive Coaching?

I’m glad you asked. Executive coaching is about individual leaders. Workplace consulting, on the other hand, is like executive coaching on steroids—it’s about improving the entire organization. We look at the whole picture, from top to bottom, to make lasting changes. Even when we do executive coaching, we do it from the holistic, systemic lens of workplace consulting.

Why Not Just Call It Consulting?

Traditional consulting often means outside experts come in, tell you what to do, and leave. Workplace consulting is different. It’s collaborative. We work with you, not just for you, to create sustainable changes. It’s about unleashing the potential that’s already there.

How We Can Work Together

The following are some of the most common ways people engage us:

  • Executive Coaching: Our leadership coaching is infused with insights from diverse fields, empowering you to make decisions with confidence and inspire your team towards shared goals. (Click here to learn more about executive coaching.)

  • Team Habits Assessment: Leveraging proprietary tools, we offer a tailored analysis of your team's dynamics, drawing on my broad experience to identify pathways to cohesion and growth.

  • Facilitation: Our facilitation ensures that every session harnesses the collective energy of your team, guiding workshops and meetings toward productive collaboration and deep understanding, all the while reflecting a unique mix of strategic foresight and practical execution.

  • Strategy Execution Engagements: We support your team in transforming strategic visions into actionable realities, applying a blend of disciplined military strategy and entrepreneurial agility to ensure alignment and progress.

If you'd like to move past bullet points and have a conversation to see how we might work together, click the button below to get in touch.

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About Charlie Gilkey (Our Lead Consultant)


I've advised or led hundreds of teams, from Fortune 100 companies to tiny nonprofits, and there's not much I haven't seen and navigated when it comes to team and organizational challenges.

My approach is deeply informed by nearly two decades of interdisciplinary experience in systems thinking, strategic execution, leadership development, and innovation. I integrate my academic studies in ethics and sociopolitical philosophy with practical strategies for improvement, focusing on how leadership and team dynamics can enhance both productivity and personal satisfaction. My military service, including leading over 200 soldiers in the US Army, infused me with the grit, adaptability, tenacity, and strategic foresight essential for enduring success.

The goal of my work is to help organizations create a culture where success and well-being are intertwined, reflecting my belief and the research that positive work experiences are fundamental to individual fulfillment and organizational excellence.

My award-winning work, including my latest book, Team Habits, distills these insights into actionable strategies for creating environments where results and belonging coexist. Bringing together the strategic acumen and leadership of a military officer, the insight of a philosopher, and the flexibility and outcome focus of an entrepreneur, I am dedicated to transforming organizations with thoughtful, sustained momentum.


The testimonials below are representative of the typical outcomes from working with me. I can provide more tailored testimonials upon request.

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